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The MAVA VISTA Program

Maureen L. Bourgeois, Jonathan Grinde | Published on 1/12/2022

For the MAVA VISTA Program (MVP), 2021 was a growing and learning year. We started the year with 9 host sites, 10 VISTA members, and a VISTA Leader. We had a plan to grow the program and find new ways to engage our VISTA members, and although we encountered a few obstacles along the way (with placements of a few members earlier in the year, and recruitment of the new VISTA Leader and our filling our cohort) we ended the year strongly. By December 31st, we had 16 host sites (6 returning from the previous year), 8 active VISTA members, and a new VISTA project for MAVA (committed to helping build the capacity and further the reach of the MVP, and expanding our volunteer engagement processes). Although we had hoped to fill all of the positions in Summer of 2021, at the end of the year we continued to work with our host sites to recruit and fill the remaining positions, and also fine-tuned ways to connect with the sites and active VISTA members. 

The MAVA VISTA Program (MVP) has many exciting opportunities coming in 2022. After nearly doubling its sites in 2021, we will build on that into the new year by adding new sites for the next service year, new projects, new VISTA members, and more opportunities to be a part of the MVP. With that expansion, VISTA members will be taking a larger role within MAVA through the opportunity to join committees, present at the June conference, and by sharing their stories/experiences with the MAVA network through "The VISTA View". There are plans for the development of a MAVA VISTA alumni group, regular VISTA cohort meet-ups, as well as a VISTA video to continue to further strengthen the MVP. 

If you would like to get involved with the MAVA VISTA Program, you can by: joining as a host site, joining as a VISTA member, and joining the site selection committee to help select the next iteration of sites. We are excited to jump into 2022 and we hope you will join us on the ride!