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HomeStudent Success Volunteer Generation Grant

Welcome to Student Success!

Welcome to the Collaborative Member page for the Student Success grant program! As a Collaborative Member, you play a crucial role in helping us achieve our mission of improving student outcomes and success.

The Student Success grant program provides funding to eligible organizations to support initiatives that promote student success, retention, and completion in postsecondary education. Our program focuses on supporting underserved and underrepresented student populations, including low-income students, first-generation college students, and students from diverse backgrounds.

As a Collaborative Member, you will work directly with our program team to implement your proposed initiatives and programs. We encourage collaboration and communication throughout the grant period to ensure that we are working together towards our shared goals.


As a Collaborative Member, you are required to meet certain grant requirements in order to receive funding. These requirements include:

  • Submitting progress reports on a regular basis
  • Participating in program evaluations and data collection efforts
  • Adhering to budget and spending guidelines
  • Complying with all grant terms and conditions


To help you successfully implement your initiatives and programs, we have provided a list of resources that may be useful:

  • Program guidelines and requirements
  • Budget templates and guidelines
  • Data collection and reporting tools
  • Technical assistance and support from our program team


Our program team will provide you with detailed information on these requirements and any other obligations you may have as a Collaborative Member.


If you have any questions or need additional support, please don't hesitate to reach out to our program team. We are here to help you succeed! Please contact our program team at Student Success.


Thank you for your commitment to Student Success!

Our Student Success Subgrantees
MN STEM Partnership Logo
The Y Logo
Big Brothers Big Sisters MN Logo
Reading Partners Logo
Mentor North Logo
Big Brothers Big Sisters TC Logo
Kids n Kinship Logo
Bolder Options Logo
Rise Up Logo
DARTS Updated Logo
Duluth Community School Collaborative Logo
Karen Organization of MN Logo
Mentor MN Logo
MN Academy of Science Logo
Treehouse Logo