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Your Voice Matters! MAVA Membership Satisfaction Survey 2020 Results

Jenna Egan | Published on 9/8/2021
MAVA Membership Satisfaction Survey 2020 Results 

MAVA’s 2021 Response 

Thank you to everyone who responded to MAVA’s 2020 Membership Satisfaction Survey! Your voice, insight, and input helped shape programming, events, trainings, networking, and membership benefits in 2021!

Over half of you responded that MAVA’s trainings - Breaking the Cycle of White Supremacy and Managing Volunteerism during COVID-19 and Beyond - were very relevant to your work. Therefore in 2021, we added even more trainings, conversations, and toolkits regarding diversity, equity, and inclusion, and bringing volunteers back. 

We also heard from you that our trainings, meetings, and conferences were easier to attend and more accessible because they were virtual. In response, we will be offering more trainings and conferences virtually in the future, even beyond limitations imposed by the pandemic.

Over 65% of respondents shared that professional development trainings were the most important MAVA benefit to you. So far in 2021, we have offered over 30 professional development trainings ranging from Tapping into the Strengths of Older Volunteers to Anti-racism 101. You’re going to love what we have planned for the rest of the year! 

In the 2020 Membership Satisfaction Survey, we also learned networking was important to you. In 2021, we added virtual networking opportunities at MAVA’s June Conference, a fun game of Jeo-pardy, and an opportunity to welcome and connect with MAVA’s newest employees – Wendy, Maureen, Brittany, and Ellie! 

We listened to you and increased trainings, ways in which to engage with MAVA members and continued to go virtual. 

We look forward to hearing how we’ve done and what you’ve been up to in 2021! Expect our new MAVA Membership Satisfaction Survey in November 2021. 

Jenna Egan
Director of Membership and Fund Development