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MAVA Statement on Race Related Murders and Racist Violence

Karmit Bulman | Published on 3/18/2021
Dear MAVA Community:

We at MAVA are devastated by the murders in Atlanta, Georgia on March 16, which resulted in the deaths of eight people, including six women of Asian descent. We stand in solidarity with the families who lost loved ones, those of us who take a stand and take action against this racialized and gendered violence and everyone who is feeling heartbroken, fearful, and outraged at this moment. As an organization, we are committed to racial justice and equity — in volunteerism, within our own organization, and across all communities and sectors.  We condemn white supremacy and anti-Asian hate.

We have a responsibility to not only denounce and condemn but to stand up to racist policies and rhetoric while understanding the long history in America of violence against the Asian community, and specifically Asian women. We applaud the efforts of hundreds of volunteers who are escorting elders of Asian descent in order to assure their safety. More than 3,000 hate incidents directed at Asian Americans nationwide have been recorded since the pandemic began, with many aimed at the elderly.

We gain strength and inspiration from the power of volunteers to right the many wrongs that stem from racial injustice. At the same time we are mindful of what is in front of us in our hometown as the Jury for the murder of George Floyd concludes and we await the beginning of the trial. We know that volunteers are the ones who speak out, protest, provide services and take care of the basic needs of those most vulnerable during the pandemic and the fallout from racial injustice.

We are proud to be in a community that puts a spotlight on the work of so many unsung volunteer heroes. Thank you for being a member of this community.

Karmit Bulman, Esq. (She, Her, Hers)*
Executive Director
Minnesota Association for Volunteer Administration
970 Raymond Ave suite G-70
651-505-3384 (new number)
St. Paul, MN