What’s the average time between a volunteer inquiry and that volunteer’s first shift?
How often are prospective volunteers confused about the necessary steps to get started?
Are your onboarding processes helping you bring in qualified volunteers, or hindering you?
Come spend some time assessing your processes! How can you make things easier for volunteers and yourself?
Join us virtually for this 1-hour workshop, to hear success stories from volunteer engagement practitioners, who have identified intimidating or tedious steps in their onboarding process, and taken action to mitigate them.
People want to give their time in meaningful ways! Sometimes our processes are the barriers. Together, we will discuss:
Often we simply can’t remove these steps. But what can we do to streamline, simplify, or lay out the path more clearly for prospective volunteers so they don’t get frustrated and go MIA?
Fall Series on Strategies that Work and Special Deal
This session is the second of a 4-part series, based on recommended strategies gleaned from MAVA’s 2022 Shifting Environments Research. Check out the workshops below, and if you register for all four, we'll credit back the cost of the fourth!
Registration Rates:
Members: $15 per session -- Register for all four and get a $15 credit back for future MAVA trainings
Non-Members: $30 per session -- Register for all four and get a $30 credit back for future MAVA trainings
Online or in-person?
This workshop will take place via Zoom.
Taylor Woodcock, Director of Volunteer Engagement at Iowa State University Foundation
Special Rates:
Special rate for AmeriCorps members: $10 - Discounted rate applies to AmeriCorps members who are serving and does not include staff or supervisors. To register at the AmeriCorps member rate, please email your name, email address, phone number, billing address*, position title and organization name to training@mavanetwork.org
Special rate for Volunteers: Discounted rate applies to volunteers who give their time in the community and/or to a nonprofit or government organization in any volunteer role. The discounted rate does not include paid employees from nonprofit or government organizations that utilize volunteers or paid volunteer supervisors. To register at the volunteer rate, please email training@mavanetwork.org with your:
See Examples
*You will receive a link by email to generate an invoice or to pay by credit card. If you would like to pay by credit card, the address you provide must match your credit card's billing address.

Attending this training, webinar, or conference workshop can be applied towards professional development unit (PDU) requirements for initial CVA Certification or CVA Renewal. CVA certification is the only internationally recognized credential in the field of Volunteer Administration. If you require proof of your participation, please contact the organizers of this training. CCVA will not have proof of your attendance to events that they haven’t organized. To learn more, visit: www.cvacert.org.
Please note that registration and payment is due by Monday, Nov. 6 to receive the Zoom link to the training. View MAVA's Event Registration and Refund Policies.
For registration questions, please contact Anne Morehouse at amorehouse@mavanetwork.org