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Volunteer Voice Committee Meeting

About this event

Do you want to help volunteers have a voice?  If so, MAVA has a new and exciting committee - the Volunteer Voice.  This committee supports volunteers throughout MN by offering resources for personal and professional growth, a platform for networking and support, and opportunities for a Minnesota Volunteer Service award program. The following sub-committees have been established to help achieve their mission:  Informal Volunteerism, Volunteer Training, Minnesota Volunteer Service Awards, Volunteer Resources, Online/Networking Space for Volunteers, and Evaluating Volunteer Needs.  The committee welcomes anyone working with volunteers, or volunteers themselves to join. 

For any questions or additional context, reach out to Holly Daniels at

Date and Time

Wednesday, March 8, 2023, 11:00 AM until 12:00 PM


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Event Contact(s)

Holly Daniels
6122347175 (p)


Committee Meeting

Registration Info

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