MAVA is excited to present the following workshops for our 2022 Virtual Conference, Dismantling Inequities in Volunteerism: Beyond the 101. Participants will select from three workshops offered during each timeframe and will participate in four group sessions.
Conference sessions are subject to change.
Affinity Group: What do we do in the meantime?
Katenka Bollenbeck, Donte Curtis, Niila Hebert, Jillian Gross Fortgang
As BIPOC professionals, we experience microaggressions each and every day when we go to work. Until white supremist systems are dismantled and restructured to include BIPOC and other marginalized communities, what do we do in the meantime? We must still go to work to earn a living, and yet, we must intentionally preserve our mental, physical and spiritual health in the midst of bias, racism, ignorance and bigotry. This session will break out into two groups: one for BIPOC and one for white allies. BIPOC will discuss self-preservation techniques and will identify immediate changes white colleagues can implement right away. Additionally, white allies will discuss their necessary role in supporting the BIPOC professional experience. They will explore the challenges of sticking up for the “other,” and will identify immediate actions they can take upon returning to their work.
Community Care: Disrupting the "Isms" as a Strategy for Volunteer Engagement Professionals
Kristina Bustos
In this workshop, participants will explore how community care can be a powerful and meaningful tool for anti-racism and anti-oppression in the work environment and disrupting white supremacy culture. Participants will learn what community care is in the social justice sphere and how they can begin to show up in solidarity for their colleagues and volunteers through the practice of community care.
Deconstructing Saviorism in Volunteer Practice
Amelia Foard, Terri Loso
Many organizations seek to transition their volunteer efforts to dismantle rather than support saviorism culture and colonialism, yet lack practical ideas about how to accomplish this at the volunteer level. This overview of HOPE worldwide’s Respect & Relationships Workshop will explore common pitfalls and key foundational concepts using language that is accessible to a diverse volunteer base. It will also provide relevant, practical ideas which can be applied to a wide range of volunteer activities. HOPE worldwide has seen a tangible increase in strength and community-based volunteer engagement across the US as a result of this training and approach.
DEIA from Acronym to Action
Donte Curtis
We oftentimes use the acronym "DEIA" to talk about all the work around Inclusion and equity. However, in this workshop we will break down all of these words and get really clear about action you can take both personally and professionally in all 4 areas. Come ready to engage in this highly interactive workshop.
Engaging People with Disabilities as Volunteers
Jeremie Ballinger
This one-hour workshop will provide important background about people with disabilities and how you can be best prepared to welcome this population to your organization. We will also explore approaches to meaningful involvement for people with disabilities that benefit everyone involved.
Everything You Wanted to Know About Indians But Were Afraid to Ask
Dr. Anton Treuer
This interactive workshop is designed to help network members field questions and dive deeper into a variety of topics on Native American culture, history, social justice issues, and best practices for tribal outreach and community networking.
For CEOs: What Volunteer Engagement Professionals Need From You to Build an Inclusive Volunteer Force
Channel Powe
Volunteer Engagement Professionals are working hard to diversify volunteers, yet they are running up against roadblocks along the way stemming from the top of the organization. Therefore, senior and executive leadership must understand what it takes to support volunteer professionals and volunteer programs. So, CEO’s, and other senior leaders, join us for this session to learn tangible actions you can take right away to create an organization environment that supports the efforts of building, growing and sustaining a diverse volunteer force.
History of White Supremacy in Volunteerism
Nada Dualeh, Brianna Miller, Penelope Specker
In this session we will explore how white supremacy has influenced volunteerism from the beginning of human time. We will follow the history of volunteerism and see how white supremacy shows up, when it started showing up, and what it looks like now.
Jaylani Hussein
Islamophobia is on the rise in America. Reports of Islamophobic discrimination, intimidation, bullying and harassment, threats, and violence targeting American Muslims, or those perceived to be Muslim, and Islamic institutions have increased significantly as compared to any other period of time since the 9/11 terror attacks. This training will cover these questions: What is Islamophobia? And how does it tie into the concept of “legislating fear?” This session will discuss the root of these issues and suggest ways of addressing them as individuals and as an organization.
Interrupting Racism in Mostly White Communities
Holly Daniels
In this workshop, we will look at how white supremacy characteristics show up in volunteerism. And we will practice responding to instances of racism that may show up with volunteers, using practice scenarios. Hopefully you will leave with resources to interrupt and dismantle racism!
Intro to Privilege, Bias, and Microaggressions in Volunteerism
Maureen Bourgeois
Join this highly interactive workshop to discuss topics of privilege, bias and microaggressions. During this training, you will spend time reflecting on and discussing your own identities and experiences of identity. You will explore definitions of power, privilege and oppression and discuss agent and target identities. Lastly, you will learn about bias and microaggressions, how to build your awareness of biases and practice responding to bias or microaggressions that you may encounter in your volunteer role.
Managing Up for BIPOC Volunteer Engagement Professionals
Janet Davison, Susan Sanow
Whether or not you are officially the boss of anyone or even if you have the word “manager” in your title, chances are that as the leader of volunteers at an organization, you are managing people, projects or both! At this workshop, we will consider your roles as a leader to your volunteers and your other voices needed in the management of the entire organization. We will talk about determining what volunteers really want and what your boss really wants ... and how to adjust your work practices whether managing up (or managing even down.)
LGBTQIA2S+ 201: Allyship to Advocacy
Matt Lewellyn-Otten
This session will dive deeply into allyship in the workplace. We will review some common vocabulary used when talking about the queer community and the expression of gender. Then we will look more closely at the importance of creating affirming spaces in the workplace, along with some practical tools you can use to create an atmosphere of welcome for queer employees and volunteers. Finally, we will have an open question and answer session to review any material about which you may have wonderings.
Maintaining Momentum Through Disruption
Facilitator: Faiza Venzant, Panelists: Breauna Dorelus, Liz Dyer
In the last few years, the intention to be antiracist and to work towards reconciliation with under prioritized people is visible daily. Ranging from trendy to necessary for growth, to being a great disruptor to life saving and life affirming; when this spectrum of how equity and justice is prioritized exists, how do we keep the momentum going? How do we also reconcile a post COVID existence with huge employment gaps, shifts in influence and power and competing priorities when it comes to community health? Our panel, made up of leaders and supporters of community centered volunteerism, will discuss the impact this disruption is having on leaders of volunteers and the communities they support, work with and work for and invite suggestions for maintaining momentum through disruption.
Neurodiversity in Volunteerism
Sarah Philippe
Neurodiverse people are constantly navigating a society that frowns upon mental health. This makes it difficult for them to lead independent lives and have fulfilling careers. However, this does not mean that they do not have anything to bring to the conversation. In this session, we will address how volunteer managers can make their programs accessible and supportive to neurodiverse volunteers, as well as, how to write, post, and market positions that are inclusive and how to get staff and leaders on board.
Professional at the Intersections: Black Trans Woman
Kymani Kahlil
The Oxford Dictionary defines intersectionality as “the interconnected nature of social categorisations such as race, class, and gender, regarded as creating overlapping and interdependent systems of discrimination or disadvantage.” Through story sharing and reflection, I share some real-life experiences and uh-oh moments of being a Black Trans Woman navigating bias in the "Professional" world.
The Structures of Antisemitism & AntiBlackness in Volunteerism
Brandon Schorsch
Antisemitism and AntiBlackness are two intertwined oppressions central to the contemporary world we live in and thus have made a tremendous impact in the world of philanthropy and volunteerism. This session will look at the 'big picture,' the violent historical shift to the economic system of today(capitalism), and how its echoes are ever-present even in the well-intentioned spaces of volunteerism.
Transforming from a DEI Learner to a DEI Practitioner
Femina Ajayi-Hackworth
Sometimes the world of DEIA can seem simple. Other times it feels like you are wandering through a deserted island alone. What tools do you need to survive? What were those top things you needed to know? This session focuses on providing tools to help volunteer managers be inclusive to pivot our ability to start dismantling racism. Topics covered include promoting inclusion, accessibility, and recognition of our own internal biases. The entire training uses gamification to teach with hand on learning, and there is an interactive worksheet for individuals to use to play the game. This game will be played in small groups, and you will pack your bag with the most important items you need to survive the DEI Island.
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