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MAVA Monthly Membership Spotlight: Mackenzie Albrecht

Staff | Published on 3/2/2022

Name: Mackenzie Albrecht

Position: Volunteer Manager

Organization: Ruff Start Rescue

MAVA Member Since: November 2021

Please describe your volunteer program:
We have a robust volunteer program, with a wide variety of volunteer opportunities and schedules. We also have both in-person and virtual volunteer opportunities. There is truly something for everyone! 

What is your role?
I oversee our organization's volunteer program, ensuring our volunteers are effectively utilized and continuously supported.

How did you get involved in Volunteer Management? 

I started volunteering in college and eventually started training and supporting other volunteers. After a layoff, I decided to make volunteer management my career!

What does it mean to you to be a MAVA member?
Being a MAVA member means I have a network of support to help me be the best leader I can be. 

Can you recall a time when being a MAVA member directly impacted your work in your organization? 
I attended MAVA's Volunteer Impact Leadership Training Series and was able to use the knowledge I gained to create a volunteer managemetn training series for all staff at my organization who work with volunteers.

Do you have any advice for new MAVA members/leaders of volunteers?
Get hands on in your program! The better you know what your volunteers actually do, the better you can serve them. Also, constantly be continuing your education with trainings, webinars, and articles that will benefit both you as a professional, and your volunteer program.