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Volunteer Impact Leadership Training Series - In Person, Duluth, MN (2 Days)
If you are a member, please log in to access additional, potentially lower registration fee options.
About this event
Original curriculum by Betty Stallings, adapted by MAVA
Demonstrate your volunteerism knowledge and experience to employers, peers and the community. Attend the Volunteer Impact Leadership Training Series! This two-day training opportunity provides a comprehensive exploration of key volunteer management processes using a diversity, equity and inclusion lens. Join MAVA and volunteer engagement leaders to explore topics ranging from designing volunteer positions to risk management to evaluating the impact of volunteer involvement. You will leave with new ideas, useful tools and a Certificate in Volunteer Impact Leadership from MAVA. Learn more about the training.
Your registration will allow you to attend two days in the series. Attending the Volunteer Impact Leadership Training Series can be counted toward obtaining or renewing your Certification in Volunteer Administration (CVA).
Day One - Wednesday, May 15, 2024
- Capturing Volunteer Motivation and Conducting Effective Interviews
- Designing Volunteer Positions
- Managing Risk
- Recruiting Volunteers
Day Two - Thursday, May 16, 2024
- Supervising Volunteers
- Positioning Your Volunteer Program for Success
- Singing Your Praises…Measuring Your Impact
- Recognizing and Retaining Volunteers
Training runs from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. (Central Time) each day.
Attendance and Payment Policy: You must attend both days of the training series to earn your Certificate in Volunteer Leadership. If you need to miss more than 15 minutes total either day, please plan to attend an alternate series. We encourage you to attend all sessions in the same month, but if you need to miss a day, you can make it up at a later time. Please contact us as soon as possible if you need to reschedule. Please note that payment is due by May 10th for the training. View MAVA's Event Registration and Refund Policies.
Special Offer for Non-Members with One-Year Individual MAVA Membership: Register for this special offer and receive a one-year individual MAVA membership with your event registration! The individual MAVA membership is normally $90 annually. To receive your one-year MAVA membership, please select the "New Member" rate, complete and pay for your registration and MAVA staff will reach out to you with more information about your membership. Learn more about becoming a MAVA member.
Special rate for AmeriCorps members: $100 - Discounted rate applies to AmeriCorps members who are serving and does not include staff or supervisors. To register at the AmeriCorps member rate, please email your name, email address, phone number, billing address*, position title and organization name to the Training Team at
Volunteers: Discounted rate applies to volunteers who give their time in the community and/or to a nonprofit or government organization in any volunteer role. The discounted rate does not include paid employees from nonprofit or government organizations that utilize volunteers or paid volunteer supervisors. To register at the volunteer rate, please email the training team at with your:
1.) the name of the organization where you volunteer and your volunteer role if you volunteer with a nonprofit or government organization or
2.) one sentence about how you volunteer in the community if you do not volunteer with an organization.
See Examples
*You will receive a link by email to generate an invoice or to pay by credit card. If you would like to pay by credit card, the address you provide must match your credit card's billing address.
Questions? Contact the Training Team at for more information and registration assistance.
Griggs Center (2nd floor of the Kirby Student Center)
1120 Kirby Drive
Duluth, MN 55812
Volunteer Impact
Registration Info
Registration is required before Saturday, May 11, 2024 at 6:00 PM
Payment In Full In Advance Only
Invalid Quantity
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